Ranger Station Weed Pull
This particular day of our work experience in the 4H Stewardship Program happened to be our last of the actual work days on (5/25/13) but it was one of my favorite days. This is because on this day I worked really well and efficiently. An example of this would be how another member of our crew (Samuel Allen) and I had gone ahead of the groups many times and cleared out areas that it took some other groups to do in double the time that it took us. So yeah, this is basically how the work day went and I believe it went well. Also this day I had quite an interesting talk with a random person.My "River Teeth"
One thing that sticks out in my mind from my experiences here is the van breaking down (4/13/13). I find this significant because I never really expected it to happen, but it did and it just made our experience for that day more interesting. I also thought it was kind of nice because we got to stay out and hang out with our friends among the crew. However, I disliked the fact of it happening because I and I'm sure everyone else was ready to hurry up and get out of there and go home. So yeah, this is one of my "river teeth."
Another one of my memories from my experience in this would be lunch time on (5/25/13) because Sam (mentioned earlier) and I where approached by a random old man and he told me he liked the music I had on and that he knew the band (Megadeth, song Holy Wars a punishment due). We had such a strange talk with him. We talked about music to start with then we moved the talk to drugs and why states outlaw them when they have medical use and then to why companies ban products that are cheaper to use because they don't want to loose money. Then we talked about government corruption and made a sudden turn to video games and why we like certain ones. All in all it was interesting and I will remember this for a long time.
Lastly what sticks out in my mind was something that happened during our two week break from the program was me getting in a car crash. Okay so what happened was I was at a friends house and we were on the rally track in her backyard and we had a few bonfires set up along it and the car had no brakes and we ended up hitting a tree and putting the car on top of it and ended up with a stuck car. Nobody was hurt but it stuck out in my mind. Along with this on the other hand tho is that on the same day my friends house had burned down so this day is something I will remember.
Our Work Days
3/30 Seal Rock-cleanup
4/6 Sequim-wildlife habitat
4/13 Lower Big Quil-trail work
4/20 Quilcene Watershed-cleanup
5/11 Seal Rock-brush clearing
5/18 Watershed (Brinnon)-clean up
5/25 Rtanger Station- weed pulling